7th Battalion's Story
The Battalion was formed in 1936 in Mildura, Victoria and was initially called the North West Murray Borderers. Over time, with additions and reinforcements the Battalion gained members from all around Australia. Highlights of 7th Battalion history include:
- Fighting in 1945 on the Numa Numa Trail in central Bougainville, successfully repelling Japanese forces until hostilities ceased in August 1945. At least 62 actions were fought over 4 months;
- Serving in British Solomon Islands on Stirling and New Georgia Islands defending US air force installations and supporting US operations;
- Serving in Papua New Guinea - undertaking mapping/surveying activities near Wau; and
- Serving in the defence of Darwin from Feb 1942 to Sept 1943, during the Japanese bombing raids.
At the end of WW2 the Battalion guarded 26,000 Japanese prisoners on Fauro Island, south of Bougainville until March 1946. Once all members had been discharged, the Battalion was disbanded on 10 May 1946.
For more detailed information on the activities of the 7th Battalion please go to the Our History tab at top of the home page.
(Photo: Local Bougainville men bringing Pte J. Sporn in for treatment at Wearne's Hill. Source Australian War Memorial)

Please contact secretary@7thbattalionww2.org.au if interested in attending any of these events, unless an alternative contact is given.
Bombing of Darwin, 19 February (every year)
Mildura: Cenotaph, Deakin Ave Mildura, commencing at 9.30am. Contact Milldura RSL.
Darwin: Cenotaph, The Esplanade, Darwin. Go to http://www.darwin.nt.gov.au/media-centre/events/ for more information. Organised by City of Darwin.
ANZAC DAY, 25 April (every year)
Melbourne March: 7th Battalion veterans and descendants of veterans participate each year the March is held.
Reunion Lunch: Venue: Middle Park Bowling Club.
Annual General Meeting, 25 April (every year)
Will be held on same date as the Re-union lunch. Venue: Middle Park Bowling Club.
Combined 7th Battalions Lone Pine Service, August each year
The Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne. All members welcome.
Maryborough Weekend, November 2022
All Association members are invited to the annual Maryborough Weekend, held in early November each year.

17 members of the 7th Battalion were awarded gallantry awards at the end of the war.
Their Commanding Officer LTCOL Harry Dunkley was awarded the Distinguished Service Order.
16 were awarded Mention in Despatches for their "Exceptional Service in the field in the South West Pacific area" and they are listed below in alphabetical order by surname.
It can be difficult to find out why an award was made, especially for Mention in Despatches. It might be for a particular event or for actions taken over a period of time.
Click here for more information on Mention in Despatches. For information on the promulgation of these awards click here.
Those who received a Mention in Despatches were issued with the gold leaf pictured to the right, which was worn pinned to their service medals.
James Leslie BAINES Leo James Bernard CLOHESY Cecil Joseph GOOLEY William Ormond MCINNES
Arthur Allan BENNETT Glen William DAVIDSON William Edward James HOLMES Gareth RUSH
Lyell Tasman BUTLING Leith Eric DONALD Donald HOWSON Donald Crawford STIRRAT
Wallace Owen CAMERON Malcolm Howard ELLIOTT Cecil JONES George Henry WEEKS