Official History
The Association authorised one of 7th Battalion's veterans, Allan Pedder (seen on the right), to write a history of the Battalion from its creation in 1936 to its disbandment in 1946.
The book is now out-of-print but has been scanned.
Below you can open a PDF version of each chapter or other section of the book. You will need Adobe software in order to open the attachments.
Please choose from the following:
Preliminary: Contents page, introduction, abbreviations
Chapter 1: The North West Murray Borderers
Chapter 2: To the Northern Territory
Chapter 3: Atherton Tablelands
Chapter 4: Overseas
Chapter 5: Action at Last
Chapter 6: The beginning of the end
Appendix 1: Air raids in the Darwin area - 19 Feb 1942 to 12 Nov 1943
If you want to download a full copy of the book please click here. The file is very large at 24MB (or 24,061kb) so it may take a while to open or download.